Frequently Asked Questions

Is Alphabags.nl legit ?​

We are legit supplier, we have been in this business since 2015. kindly Please purchase with confidence.

How is the quality of the replica?​

grade A identical to authentic

Are the products shown on the website original?​

The products published on our website are high-end quality identical to the original products.

Will my item come in a box?​

Yes the items comes with box and receipt

Where are you shipping from?

from hong kong.

How long does the shipping take?​

Now due to the pandemic shipping takes 15 days for bags but sometimes it can be less than that

What do you ship with?​

FedEx and UPS and DHL.

Do you offer free shipping?​

all orders are free shipping.

Do you ship worldwide?​

Yes, we ship worldwide.

Do you accept PayPal?​

Yes we do if the payment sent as friend and family. 

Remember to contact us for anymore questions.

WhatsApp: +212674565415
Email: Alphabagsnl@gmail.com
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